sunnuntai 18. helmikuuta 2018

S Joutuiko yhdysvaltalainen nuori terapiaan loppuikäkseen Lordin vuoksi?

BERLIN -- Ashley Hampton, 13, from Denver, Colorado is a huge fan of New Zealand pop singer Lorde. So she was ecstatic when her parents bought tickets to see her in Berlin of all places.

"I was going to Berlin anyway, for a business trip," says her father, Steve, 40.

When Ashley and her parents arrived at The Mercedes-Benz Arena, they were horrified to discover that none of the four men on stage wearing Orc costumes were the singer born Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor -- who is best known for such hits as "Royals," "Team," "Tennis Court," "Homemade Dynamite," and "Green Light."

"I saw these scary men dressed like that guy from Halloween, that Jason guy! [The killer from Halloween is Michael Myers, not Jason, who has been the killer in every Friday the 13th since Part 2 (and didn't even get the hockey mask until Part 3). Dammit, can't anyone get it right?! -Ed] They were dressed as monsters and they were really scary," says young Ashley. "I'll probably be in therapy for the rest of my life."

[Eli tässä Uncyclopedian uutisartikkelista nappaamani pätkä, jossa on kyse siitä, että yhdysvaltalainen nuori sai elinikäiset traumat, koska hänen vanhempansa olivat tilanneet hänelle lipun Berliinissä pidettävään Lordin konserttiin Lorden konsertin sijaan. Lorde on uusiseelantilainen laulajatar eikä minun nähdäkseni hirviö.]

[PS. Uutinen ei luultavasti ole oikea. Sen näkee jutun lähdeluettelosta.]

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